Metal Versus Plastic Curtain Tracks


Metal Versus Plastic Curtain Tracks



We offer such a wide variety of curtain tracks that sometimes even professional designers have some difficulty choosing the right one for a given project. We want to continue to provide a full warehouse of products, but we also want to give you some guidance when selecting them. After all, we are just as invested in your track-installing success as you are. Luckily, our customer service staff have years of experience with our products – in fact many of them have most of our product numbers memorized! For this blog we went right to the source to find out when to order a plastic curtain track, and when to order a metal curtain track.

3110 Plastic Curtain Track 3110 Plastic Curtain Track


The confusion about what to order is understandable, especially given that some of our curtain tracks, such as the 3110 Plastic Curtain Track and the 3294 Aluminum Curtain Track, are essentially the same track made of two different materials. Because the cost of plastic is less than that of aluminum, the 3110 plastic track costs a bit less than the 3294 track, so upon first glance, with everything else being equal, why not buy the plastic track, right? Well, yes and no. This is absolutely right if you are looking to install a track to hold a small, light curtain in a small space, like an RV or a boat. In fact, any of our plastic tracks are great choices for recreational vehicles. However, for most home projects, the metal curtain track is the way to go.


3294 Aluminum Curtain Track 3294 Aluminum Curtain Track



Our metal curtain tracks are more durable and heat resistant than our plastic curtain tracks. They can also hold bigger carriers, which are necessary when hanging full-length curtains or heavy drapes. The plastic tracks will simply not perform as well over time when holding long curtains that will be frequently opened and closed, because the carriers are smaller, and the track can become brittle, and break with repeated use. The only exception is our 6100 Flexible Curtain Track, which is the Terminator of plastic curtain tracks with a white PVC shell and internal metal spine. This durable track can be used for any household project, including hanging heavy sound-blocking materials.


As always our customer service reps are available (almost 24/7) to help you select the right track for your needs. Call them at 888-434-7444.



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Custom Curtain Track Solutions

Whether you are a designer, architect or an individual looking for a DIY project, our track and curtain solutions are designed for simple installation. In addition to window curtain hardware, we also provide high quality, commercial grade curtains that are used for many applications such as RVs, bunk beds, cubicles, hospitals, boats and bathrooms. Our customer service team offers expertise and advice that is unmatched. If you need help, advice or a custom curtain track solution, we're happy to help keep you on the right track!

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