Get To Work In Your Basement Home Office


Get To Work In Your Basement Home Office


If you work from home, you probably know that statistics show you are more productive than if you were to work in a large office with several people. The main reason is you *supposedly* have fewer interruptions. You don’t have co-workers knocking on your office door or stopping by your cubicle asking about your weekend. In fact, statistics show that for every time you are interrupted, it can take up to 23 minutes to become refocused, so working alone can be helpful when trying to get a lot of work completed.


Home offices do have downfalls however. FedEx may ring your doorbell setting the dogs into a barking spree. The kids may come home from school and start arguing or playing loudly. All of these things, and so many others, can cause disruptions, especially if you are on a conference call, GoToMeeting or Zoom call. We’ve worked with customers to try to alleviate some of these noise issues in home work spaces by adding a ceiling mount curtain track with eclipse curtains around the office space. When the curtains are pulled, it helps absorb sound (perfect when you are head down into a project or on a call) plus when pulled behind you, they can give your office a uniform look around your dedicated space (concealing a concrete wall), which your boss may love.


For those with a drop ceiling, our drop ceiling clamp attaches easily to the metal parts of the drop ceiling and our 6151 cartridge allows for the carriers and hooks to connect to the clamp. These ceiling cartridges are used to mount the 6100 Flexible Curtain Track and should be placed every 10 inches. The 6100 curtain track is perfect for a basement project because it allows long continuous lengths for curved or angled applications, but can also be used for straight applications. So if your home office is in a corner, you can bend the track to accommodate your work space. After you have installed your track, add the curtains of your choice. To help reduce noise, our eclipse curtains are the best and we have a vast selection of colors and sizes to choose from.


If you are looking for a sound-solution in your basement office, adding curtain tracks and eclipse curtains may be just the sound absorbing solution you are looking for!


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Custom Curtain Track Solutions

Whether you are a designer, architect or an individual looking for a DIY project, our track and curtain solutions are designed for simple installation. In addition to window curtain hardware, we also provide high quality, commercial grade curtains that are used for many applications such as RVs, bunk beds, cubicles, hospitals, boats and bathrooms. Our customer service team offers expertise and advice that is unmatched. If you need help, advice or a custom curtain track solution, we're happy to help keep you on the right track!

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