Classrooms And Curtain Tracks


Classrooms And Curtain Tracks


School might be out for summer which makes this a great time to get those copy room, storage areas and classrooms in order! To create a “tidy” space everyone can enjoy come this fall when school is back in session, try this tip!


The Mayo Clinic wrote an article, "How Decluttering Your Space Could Make You Healthier And Happier". While this article focuses on tips that can help us as individuals, the same could be applied to a workspace. We know schools have a lot of supplies and rightfully so. But if you want to create a space that at least *appears* less cluttered and can eliminate some stress for the teachers and staff, well, that's a start. One suggestion we have is to consider hanging curtain tracks in front of a storage area (copy paper and staplers, anyone?). These copy/storage rooms often have shelves to store classroom necessities but the space can quickly become unkempt. Adding a curtain that can be closed around the storage space when not in use can keep a room from looking as though everything is in disarray.


When it comes to selecting a curtain, we have a wide variety to choose from and can even custom make one for you so it fits perfectly. If you are looking for something just a bit different and perhaps, motivating, you might want to consider ordering a curtain with a motivational quote. Etsy is an online marketplace that offers some unique styles to choose from and will allow you to customize a curtain with a photo (perhaps even a photo from the staff holiday party)!


Although adding a curtain to conceal a storage area doesn't necessarily help with the actual organization of the items placed on those shelves, when pulled closed, it can give the entire room a feeling of organziation and tidiness and hopefully eliminate some of that stress that disorderly places can cause. If you take on a project like this, we would love to feature your photos in a future blog post! Simply contact us at!


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