uses FedEx to delivery a large majority of our packages to our customers. Whether the curtain tracks are shipped via ground service, 2nd day, or next day delivery, FedEx does a very good job for us of delivering our drapery hardware promptly and in good condition. An article today about hidden images in logos caught our eye this morning, and inspired one of those "ah ha" moments. Despite having a FedEx truck at our facility daily, and having their packaging boxes and envelopes around constantly, we had never noticed the hidden image in the FedEx logo. Can you spot it?
It is right there. It has been staring us in the face for a long time, and yet we had never noticed it. We often hear similar stories from our customers too, when they talk about finally realizing that a curtain track is exactly what they need for a given application. They may have checked into a hotel, or be sitting in a doctor's office or hospital room when they look up and notice that there is a curtain track system mounted on the ceiling. They will notice the range of motion that the curtain track offers, and how subtle the hardware is when mounted on the ceiling, and how well the curtain open and close. That's when their "ah ha" moment occurs, as the answer to their design challenge had been right in front of them all along. Then our customers usually turn to the internet to find the drapery hardware they need once they discover the best curtain track systems are not available at the big box or local hardware stores. That's where comes we look to meet our customers' needs. We've got the drapery hardware to tackle that project of hanging curtains of drapes on a curtain track. We've also got the expertise to help those who aren't in the know when it comes to curtain tracks and drapery hardware.
So now, back to the Fedex logo. Do you see the arrow? Pointing ahead between the E and the X? There it is, and now you are probably acknowledging that you've never noticed it before either. Join the club. A fun fact we thought you might enjoy as much as we did.