These tracks come in wider range of colors and can typically be flexed or bent more readily than the aluminum curtain track alternatives. The plastic curtain tracks are typically constructed of either PVC or ABS, and offer full functionality for either wall or ceiling mount applications. Plastic tracks are especially popular for use in boats and RVs. If you are not sure which PVC curtain track you may need, give us a call and we will be happy to help select the right drapery hardware to meet your exact needs.
Whether you are a designer, architect or an individual looking for a DIY project, our track and curtain solutions are designed for simple installation. In addition to window curtain hardware, we also provide high quality, commercial grade curtains that are used for many applications such as RVs, bunk beds, cubicles, hospitals, boats and bathrooms. Our customer service team offers expertise and advice that is unmatched. If you need help, advice or a custom curtain track solution, we're happy to help keep you on the right track!