Got Glare?

Got Glare?

Do you have a glare on that flat screen TV? What about an annoying street light shining in your window at night? Do you need to sleep during the day? Do you want to lower your cooling or heating costs? Our customers do and we have the solution!

How about combining light weight sheer curtains with our Eclipse Light-Blocking, Energy-Savings, Sound-Absorbing curtain panels – custom made at an affordable price for your windows?

During the day, sheers allow light into a room without sacrificing privacy. At night, they will allow silhouette images to be viewed from outside. The light weight material responds to the gentlest of breezes, often creating a billowing effect when the window is open.

Blackout curtains are made of an extremely densely woven material that does not allow light to pass through the fabric. We have discovered with our 98% light blocking Eclipse, choosing a darker color shade will give you better results.

Light blocking curtain colors

WHAT A PERFECT PAIR! Combining sheers and blackouts on a double track system, like our 84003, will allow you to dress your window with the proper treatment for day and night. Think of it like dressing your feet. Would you wear shoes without socks? Of course you can, but there are several reasons that socks and shoes just go together. It’s the same for windows! Many people don’t realize how damaging the sun can be to their precious belongings, like that expensive rug, dining room set, or art work. On the flip side, some people can’t wait to put up their Christmas tree and show it off to their neighbors through the window.


-Measure window.

-Add 6-12 inches to each side. This will be the overall width of your track.

-Then add 20% to get your curtain width.

-Curtain height is very important! You will not be satisfied with light blocking aspects if you allow light to seep from the top & bottom of the curtain panel – that includes eliminating any gaps between track hardware and curtain panel. At a minimum, 12 inches should be added to the top and bottom of window for curtain height. Floor-to-ceiling curtains are what we recommend to maximize insulation and minimize light. For instance, take a look at 84004.

-Pick your track. You are going to run two tracks, in parallel, fastening them either double wall brackets or simply doubling ceiling mounting hardware.

-Four end stops are needed. Dual function, 84134 provides a nice finished look, and keeps curtains fixed to end of the track.

WHAT ABOUT THE TOP OF MY CURTAIN? When you order a curtain directly from our website, they are going to come with small grommets, spaced every six inches (grommets are small metal rings, like the top of a shower curtain). While great for privacy, grommets are usually not the best solution for blocking out light. We offer a few different “tapes” that can be sewn or pinned. This is also a great way to give your old draperies an updated look.

-Matching curtain to carrier.

If you’re going to sew snap tape to the top of your curtain, you will need a snap carrier.

If you’re going to pin, any carrier compatible with your track that has a hole in it will work. You will pin through the fabric and hook into the carrier. These are nice because they can be adjusted.

-The last finishing touch is the addition of Master Carriers. The most common window treatment style would be a two-way, hand drawn system. This means you divide your curtains and push one to left and one to the right. Master carriers allow your panels to overlap, typically with hidden or exposed batons. Some may chose to add this option to the top layer, blackout panel only.

-Magnet Catch is another example of our light-eliminating product line.

SEEING DOUBLE? We understand that, like people, every window is different. Maybe you have a window next to a corner or an extremely large, odd-shaped window, or a couch against your wall leaving no space for curtains. Our expert staff can assist you picking carriers and track that can accommodate your situation.

ARE YOU LOVING LAYERS YET? Put your creative side to the test with a triple track system! That’s right! Exactly like a hotel room! Just imagine three layers of flowing texture, insulation, and endless design transformations in your bedroom. Call us for pricing today!

Hotel sheers and blackouts A Comfort Inn in San Antonio, Texas, uses both blackout and sheer curtains for its guest rooms.


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Custom Curtain Track Solutions

Whether you are a designer, architect or an individual looking for a DIY project, our track and curtain solutions are designed for simple installation. In addition to window curtain hardware, we also provide high quality, commercial grade curtains that are used for many applications such as RVs, bunk beds, cubicles, hospitals, boats and bathrooms. Our customer service team offers expertise and advice that is unmatched. If you need help, advice or a custom curtain track solution, we're happy to help keep you on the right track!

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