Help! The Holidays are Here!

Help! The Holidays are Here!

The holidays have a way of creeping up faster than you might think. In fact, they're here now! Is your home ready for the deluge of decorating that ensues after Thanksgiving?

One of the most frustrating tasks is hanging Christmas lights, garland and stockings. The last thing you want to do is to put holes in your walls with a staple gun for hanging lights or garland around your room. Staples are also a bad idea, especially for lights, because you could staple through the wires for the lights.


If you once wanted to hang stockings on your fireplace mantel, you would use heavy weights placed on top of the mantel with hooks at the end. These weights are extremely dangerous, especially if you have children in the home. A child could pull on the bottom of a stocking and pull the weight the stocking was hanging from down on top of them. There is a much better way of hanging stockings than this.


Christmas Stocking Hanger Track System


This holiday season, stop putting holes in your walls and driving yourself crazy after New Year's when you take down your decorations. Opt for a Christmas stocking hanger kit for holding up stockings, garland and more.


The kit includes everything you need for creating a safe place under your mantel for hanging stockings. It has a pair of 3-foot lengths of track that you can install under a fireplace mantel or along your ceiling. Hooks are included for up to six stockings. You can put as many or as few on the tracks as you wish. End caps keep the hooks from falling off the edges of the track. Mounting screws are also included, so you don't need other hanging materials.

After you take down your stockings for the year, leave the track in place under the mantel and just pull off the end caps and hooks. Replace the hooks and caps the next year when you need to hang your stockings.


What if you have a large family and need more than the six hooks that come standard in the kit? If you would like more hooks, opt for a package of six replacement stocking hooks. These are available in gray, white, black or brown, depending on the color of your mantel.


Stocking hooks Sliding hooks are easily adjusted, added, or removed


Just because its name is stocking hanger kit, don't let that stop you. Use your imagination for all the things you can do with it. The hooks are great for holding garland swags just below your fireplace mantel. The hooks may also be used for holding garland or Christmas lights up around the top of the room, just below the ceiling. Why not put the track along the bottom edge of a balcony on the stairwell? Anywhere in your home where you want to hang holiday decorations, you can hang this Christmas stocking hanging kit.


Are you ready for the holidays? If you realize that you need something to help with your holiday decorating, give us a call. We can help you to choose the best products to hang your stockings, lights and garland around your house. Got questions? We've got answers. Just let us know how we can help.


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