New Home, New Look For Your Windows

New Home, New Look For Your Windows


Oftentimes when you move into a new house the window treatments stay. Perhaps it’s because they match the current wall color and the sellers think the new owners will love the existing decor and style and won’t want to make any changes. But more often than not, those curtains/blinds/valences and curtain rods come down to make way for something new. If this is the case for you and your new home, may we suggest something? We suggest replacing those old, tired curtains and rods with a sleek, durable curtain track and panels that actually match your design style.


A curtain track has many benefits including it can be mounted to the wall or the ceiling. Not only that, a track is sturdy and welcomes the frequent opening and closing of curtains. A curtain rod isn’t always so durable. How many times have you seen a curtain rod ripped out of the wall because someone was just a bit too rough when pulling the curtains closed? When this happens, you not only have to replace the rod, you also have some drywall repair that needs to be done. Curtain tracks are attached to the wall or ceiling at multiple points making it extra strong and reliable. Plus, our curtain carriers are made for these tracks so you are getting the best of the best.


When it comes to curtain selection, stick with the theme of high quality by purchasing curtains that not only look good but can withstand repeated use. We offer a wide selection of fabrics to match any décor, plus all of our fabrics are fire retardant and machine washable. Whether you are looking for blackout curtains, ripplefold curtains, or fabric that looks like linen, with Curtain-Tracks, you have options.

Don’t settle for some other homeowner's design style, make your own statement on your new home by starting with your windows. We can help!


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Custom Curtain Track Solutions

Whether you are a designer, architect or an individual looking for a DIY project, our track and curtain solutions are designed for simple installation. In addition to window curtain hardware, we also provide high quality, commercial grade curtains that are used for many applications such as RVs, bunk beds, cubicles, hospitals, boats and bathrooms. Our customer service team offers expertise and advice that is unmatched. If you need help, advice or a custom curtain track solution, we're happy to help keep you on the right track!

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